Food and Drink Networking Lunch
A range of top businesses joined us in the Taste boardroom for one of our regular food and drink industry networking lunches. This time we focussed on what excellence means with the help of some of the companies shortlisted in the Scotland Food & Drink Excellence Awards.
Scotland Food & Drink Chief Executive James Withers told us excellence has to be the standard for everything we do across the sector to provide clear definition from other countries. Despite all the challenges and obstacles, he also expressed confidence about future growth based on success so far his organisation's vision blueprint for the future. Taste Chairman Peter Lederer told guests it was important that excellence is reflected not just in produce but in what we eat and drink ourselves if the quality provenance message is to ring true. We were also joined at the lunch by new Scotsman Editor Frank O'Donnell. The Scotsman is media partner for the Excellence Awards and Frank said digital traffic on their website had demonstrated food and drink is incredibly popular with readers and that will be reflected in coverage going forward.
Our food and drink networking lunches are held on a regular basis to increase cooperation across the sector through sharing ideas and experiences. If you'd like to take part in a future event, contact us at